Huzhou Industrial Park Distributed Energy Storage plant Project

Huzhou, Zhejiang 1MW/2MWh
Huzhou Industrial Park Distributed Energy Storage plant Project
Distributed Energy Storage plant Project

We are excited to share the successful implementation of our latest project at an industrial park in Huzhou, Zhejiang. In the early stages, we installed photovoltaic systems on the rooftops of eight factory buildings, totaling 2.3MW. The generated power effectively meets 70% of the operational demand.

To further reduce costs and improve efficiency, we have equipped the industrial park with a liquid-cooled energy storage cabinet. After thorough research on the actual power consumption of the factory, we determined a capacity of 1MW/2MWh, allowing for a 1MW load with two hours of usage per charge.

Adopting Zhejiang's industrial and commercial energy storage strategy of "two charges, two discharges," we leverage off-peak charging and peak discharge times. The significant difference between peak and off-peak electricity prices offers substantial arbitrage opportunities.

Additionally, this setup ensures that the production lines are no longer affected by power rationing, safeguarding uninterrupted manufacturing operations

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