Hangzhou Kang En Bei Distributed Energy Storage plant Project

HangZhou,ZheJiang 684.75kw/1.2Mwh
Hangzhou Kang En Bei Distributed Energy Storage plant Project
Distributed Energy Storage plant Project

The address of this project is located in Binjiang District, Hangzhou.
This project is a roof distributed photovoltaic project, the roof area is 13500m², the enterprise is a large industrial power consumption, the transformer capacity in the distribution room is 2 sets of 1600kVA. this photovoltaic project is designed to have a capacity of 684.75kWp, and the number of grid-connected points is 2, considering the low-voltage grid-connection.
The roofs of the two buildings involved in this project are two concrete roofs, and the main obstacles on the roofs are the daughter walls, the stairwells out of the roof and the roof equipment. The roofs are mounted in the form of steel brackets + concrete load-bearing blocks, and the PV modules are mounted at a 15-degree angle along the roof. The advantage of this installation is that it is stable and does not damage the roof, and the angle of installation is also more conducive to power generation.

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