The successful installation of a 50MW/100MWh energy storage system in Zhuji, Zhejiang

2024.06.19 Share:

[Exciting Milestone Achieved! ]

We are thrilled to announce the successful installation of a 50MW/100MWh energy storage system in Zhuji, Zhejiang! The project, completed in just 2 months from groundbreaking to crane installation, marks a significant step forward in enhancing local grid stability.

This state-of-the-art energy storage station will alleviate grid pressure and, by leveraging Zhejiang's time-of-use pricing policy, implement a peak shaving and valley filling strategy. This approach enables more flexible energy management, ensuring a stable and reliable power supply.

Moreover, this project aligns with renewable energy initiatives, contributing to the overall improvement of energy security in the region. ??

Groundbreaking ceremony

Project construction

Project construction

Partial display

Overall construction

Overall construction

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